USA National Wealth Clock

The mission and purpose of this page is to expose the lie that the United States is in debt.

Basic presentation so far, old school, stand by.

USA Net National Household Wealth - 2024 Q1


( $151 Trillion dollars -- up $13 Trillion from 2023 Q1 )

as of 2024 03 31 March / released 2024 06 14 June

Source: US Federal Reserve Distribution of Household Wealth since 1989

Based on Source: US Federal Reserve Balance Sheet of Households and Nonprofit Organizations 1952 - 2023

USA National Debt


( $34.8 Trillion dollars )

as of 2024 07 01 July

Sources: US Treasury Understanding the National Debt -- US Federal Reserve Federal Debt: Total Public Debt

Bottom Line

$151 Trillion of Wealth - $35 Trillion of Debt

=> We the People are Not in Debt ! -- We are Way Solvent !

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